Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 2

i would've posted yesterday, but wireless networks are scarce on planes. landed in London, England almost three hours ago. rode the tube, switched tubes, checked in to my hostel. kind of a shady looking place, but i'm sure it'll be okay.

the trip over was mostly uneventful. spent way more time than i would've liked waiting for the next plane, except in Shannon, Ireland, where i and a few fellow passengers rushed from one plane to the next, lest we miss our flight. that was fun.#

my carry-on bag got searched in Shannon, too. cute, young security guard. so i did the last thing i should've done: joked and flirted. she played along and all was indeed groovy. the weird part of that is the couple getting their stuff next to me kept giving me looks like "shut up man! you'll ruin the plan!" and continued giving me those looks all through the plane ride.

bought a soup and a $10 beer at the New York airport. remind me to never do that again. it was good, but not worth it.

i'm tired, feel like i smell bad, and just want to rest and not have hat hair, but proper check-in time for the hostel isn't until 2, so i'm forced to find things to do until then. first: food. then: unknown.

i'm at a crappy "internet cafe", which means they charge by the hour so i can type on a Windows 98 machine or some such. i'm not even sure this computer is connected to the internet.

oh! i figured out, if i remember correctly, i can receive any and all texts for free, but not send them. sending is like, $0.50. so send me whatever you want, but don't necessarily expect a response. and twitter and facebook will likewise be sporadic. and now you know.

okay, i'm off like a prom dress! maybe i'll make some expensive calls to friends or friends of friends.

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