Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 3

so this post will be a combination of yesterday's events and todays so far. roughly chronologically.

yesterday: after i posted, i walked to a chinese food place down the street from this "internet cafe", and got the Chicken in Satay Sauce. it was supposed to be spicy, but i learned that "bland white person" spicy is not limited to America. while eating, i got a show: a protest parade thing. i don't know what it was about, but there were a lot of people marching down the street, all of them with white umbrellas. there was a drummer or drumbeat at the front, announcing the procession, and police with cones and tape at the beginning, end, and throughout to keep the peace. it was one of those moments where i would've said "god bless america", but somehow that didn't seem appropriate.

oh. somebody asked me about the food i'm eating while abroad. now, i'm not much of a foodie, i prefer to keep eating what i've previously enjoyed mostly. but, since i am in a different country, i've been trying a few different things. but only a few. the list: chicken in satay sauce, fish-fingers sandwich, prosciutto sandwich. pretty snazzy, huh? that's all i can remember right now, but it's about time to eat, so i'll probably have something for you tomorrow.

i had a beer yesterday with my fish-finger sammich. i mention this only because i'd heard and read about the Brits preferring warm or lukewarm beer. yeah, that's crap. or at least it was untrue about the beer i ordered at random yesterday. perhaps more "research" is in order haha.

someone else asked me what my travel plans are, so for those who i didn't tell, or who don't know have my facebook (hello random person!) or however it may have happened: i'm in London now. i have contacts in Brighton and Bristol, so i'll most likely visit them. after that i have intentions to visit Amsterdam and Italy, but no plans thus far. i'll keep going as long as i have money to keep going. (send money.)

i burned my tongue either yesterday or the day before. i'm not sure how i did it, but it's pissing me off.

one thing i noticed here is a scarcity of American chains. actually, that's how i can tell when i'm in or near an overpriced, touristy area: Starbucks and McDonalds. i've not eaten either, nor do i plan on eating at any establishment that i know i have access to in america. so there.

now that i'm officially here, i don't really want or need my man-purse. kinda sucks, because it was great for the flights, but now it's mostly just dead weight and take up space i could better utilize or, more ideally, not utilize at all. less weight is good weight.

my hostel smells a little like feet sometimes.

today was my "museum day". i saw The Tate Modern, The National Gallery, some other places, some bridges, and yeah. i was pretty bored with the museums, honestly. but i took pictures of the architecture and outsides of places, because that's neat. so, don't tell my parents i didn't like the museums, i'm just gonna pretend i saw and remember stuff there.

as for the photos i took and am taking, i've got a .Mac account i'm supposed to be pouring them into, but have no access to a mac, and trying to put photo programs on this piece of crap computer is most likely more trouble than it's worth. so we get to hope that either nothing bad happens to my camera until i get home, or i get to use a mac soon. (send a Mac.)

man, i really hope nobody i know wants a souvenir from my trips, because, we'll screw that. i'm kidding, of course. or am i?


  1. I believe it's the Germans that prefer their beer slightly warmer than the standard fridge temp. I'm told they have a reason for that, but I can't remember what it was.

    Check that out for us and report back, please.

  2. You really should visit a Doctor Who exhibit.

  3. What about using an online photo thingy like flickr or photobucket?
    Also post cards are a good alternative to souvenirs.

  4. You have to get fish and chips in London!
