Tuesday, July 13, 2010


this keyboard is much closer to what i'm used to. hooray!

hi, i'm in Corniglia (google it). i walked up 382 steps to get here and i'm staying two nights. it's ridiculously beautiful. even if it is a pain in the ass to get here.

last night: stayed in hotel, as i posted yesterday. it was nice. both Burn Notice and Supernatural in German. although, they weren't as much fun as i'd hoped, because i didn't already know the episodes. i guess Arnold Shwarzenegger (spelling?) in Espanol just kind of set a high bar.

this morning: BACON!!! and real coffee and orange juice and scrambled eggs and sausage and sheep cheese! it was the best breakfast i've had since Ogbourne St. George. delicious!

got to the airport, checked in, had time to kill. would've bought a Germany button for my bag (my lone souvenir and proof of travel), but they were €4. smurf that.

oh! the van driver from the hotel to the airport was a crazy person. she'd whistle a little tune then have half a conversation. it was weird. yes, a bluetooth headset would explain the conversation, but there's no explaining the whistling that immediately preceeded EVERY conversation.

i brushed my teeth for the first time today after i arrived in Italy. i felt gross and self-conscious. but now it's okay.

in the Munich airport i watched an old man get up and walk away from the wheelchair he was just sitting in. i should've taken it for a ride. silly cripple, just walking away from his only means of transportation.

i composed a little poem when we landed, about being in Italy, but it's not appropriate for civilized conversation.

oh! the Italians have Ikea! proof that they're not all mindless bloody savages!

i've finished my fourth book of the trip. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. bought it yesterday, went through it like a fat girl through cake. donated it to one of the other hostelers. now i guess i'll have to actually talk to people to amuse myself. this will not end well.

today: took the train three times back and forth, until i finally got on one that went to Corniglia. that was fun. ate dinner-ish, went for a quick swim in the ocean, and now i'm so bored my nipples are about to fall off. so there's that.

...and i think i've overstayed my €1 for 15 minute internet agreement. time to settle up, then maybe walk around town in the dark and hope i don't fall down, down, down, into the ocean. hopefully the ocean doesn't want me today.

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