Wednesday, July 7, 2010

i'm thinking of a Ray Charles song...

Greetings from Amsterdam!

the library here is absolutely amazing! 8 stories, Space Chairs!, restaurant at the top, it's great. i could spend all day in here, if i never got hungry.

the time is now 1pm, so good morning to most of you, and good day to the rest.

got in to Amsterdam from Luton airport at around 9pm. due to "machine failure", we were sent from Baggage Belt 21 (remember that, it's important later) to Baggage Belt 13. we then waited for no less than 2 hours for our luggage to arrive. at several points during that time i honestly wondered if i'd ever see my luggage again, maybe my luggage caught fire, or maybe my bag broke the Baggage Belt? eventually i wandered back to Baggage Belt 21 to find that all our luggage had been waiting here for us this whole time! sneaky airline, delivering baggage where they said they would! i then spent maybe half an hour trying to remember enough faces to tell as many people as i could that their bags were at Belt 21. most didn't believe me, and as far as i know they are still waiting at Baggage Belt 13.

anyway. from the airport i got on a train to Sloterdijk, then caught the number 14 bus to 'Plein 40-45. my hostel is right beside the stop, so that was easy. ta-da!

yesterday i met and spent the day with a German named Katja. we mostly just wandered around a bit lost. not much to speak of, really. went to bed early.

today: will be mostly spent wandering around as well. going to the Anne Frank House later, and i have a postcard to send, as soon as i find a post office. i still also have to buy myself a souvenir. (no, that's not a codeword)

it's an odd feeling, beng surrounded by people who speak a different language. although i was very amused when i went into a Burger King yesterday and realized i understood almost every word spoken at the register. not that i picked up any restaurant dutch, but that it was all broken english. "whopper, supersize, coke." "ketchup, mayo, extra?" so at least i know i'll be able to survive myself on fast food. unless i'm not able to survive on fast food, that is.

one little note: this computer is convinced i'm misspelling every second word. it amuses me.

well, that's it for today. i'm off like a prom dress!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to set your locations on the time zones feature of my cell phone.

    Is it too early to think about coming back?
