Sunday, July 11, 2010

i've been in this city too long.

i'm leaving tomorrow, and it's not too soon.

currently aiming for Italy, the Cinque Terre. just need to find the cheapest flight and hostel, and i'll book it. also, having my credit card on me would be mighty helpful.

i heard my last name pronounced perfectly yesterday, by a woman who spoke broken english. it was weird, but kinda cool.

also in the weird but cool category: my hostel room has a tv and it's usually on. i was lying about yesterday and i swear i heard "Most Awesome ekta alba inte Ever!". the bilingual thing is kinda weird. but cool.

right. my plans for the rest of the day, in roughly chronological order: food, book flight and hostel, read about Italy, hopefully learn some Italian, bed. notice only one "food"? yeah, me too.

sorry this one's short and not very amusing. ill try to have a better one for you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Italy is going to change your life. i look forward to hearing about it.
