Friday, July 2, 2010

Day... eh, forget it.

Greetings, my spazmodic squirrels of love!

i've got at least two days worth of happenings for you! but first, i have to go to the bathroom.

there. much better. so, where were we? oh yes! hi, i'm in Ogbourne St. George today. google it. i'm staying with Mel's sister for the weekend, because she's not far from Avebury. on Monday i'm pretty sure i'm off to Amsterdam! wheee!!

let's see... what did i do yesterday and today? well... not much, really. oh wait! i did laundry yesterday. and played Neil's guitar, so that was good. man, this is a really boring one. maybe you should just come back tomorrow, hopefully it'll be interesting.

oh wait! there were a few things today that i thought were interesting. like the creepy leering guy with a button-down shirt just barely buttoned and one nipple showing, he was following some young girl, completely obviously leering and i think he might've been talking to himself. he was fun.

also, last night i went out and drank and did karaoke and drank and danced and got lost on the way home and it was a dumb idea to begin with. luckily this morning i managed to sweat out my hangover, by running from Mel's to the bus stop and just barely making it on time. also had to run to the travel agency's office and plead with them to print out another copy of my bus pass since i stupidly left mine at Mel's and left the key inside. whoever that lady who helped me, she's awesome.

before the drinking and karaoke and getting lost, i wandered down to the beach in search of The Best Fish N Chips In Brighton. i was directed to this place called The Regency. i had a choice of cod, plaice or haddock. i chose plaice randomly. it was great. although ordering fish'n'chips at the Regency is a bit like going to a foreign restaurant and ordering the most americanized meal you can, a bit "why are you bothering me with this? there's a McDonald's down the street" sort of thing. not their fault, i just felt a bit that way. anyway.

today was my second, third and fourth bus rides in England. the third was finally the sort of experience that people in the US seem to fear public transport being. loud kids, annoying passengers, the air is full of the scent of sickly sweet feces. it was great.

the fourth bus was my first city bus in the UK. all previous busses took me from city to city, but this one was just inside the township. it was okay. except for when i didn't know where my stop was and the driver neglected to let me know and i had to wait until someone else wanted on to figure out i'd missed it and i started the 3 or so mile walk back to the last bus stop but i wasn't sure where it was buti was sure i was going in the right direction so Nicola had to come pick me up. except for that, it was a decent bus ride. i dunno.

got to Nicola's, she made me pasta, then after the game Chris, Nicola's husband, took me to get some curry. we drove in to town, ordered the curry, then nipped off to a pub to pass the time. we were late picking up the curry. then back to Nicola's, and eating curry in front of the TV and now this. ta-da!

be sure to join us again tomorrow, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

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