Wednesday, July 14, 2010

greetings, my (plural noun) of (verb)!

i spent all day in Cinque Terre. it's ridiculously pretty, but i realized something today: i can barely swim. what the hell am i doing in the ocean?!?

but yeah. i swam. i think i lost a Euro in the ocean. and i jumped off a high rock thing into water. once.

after i updated last night i went to bed and decided a sleep mask would've been a good idea. alas.

fun fact: the Amsterdam airport specifically prohibits nunchucks.

remind me, if i ever find someone i'm interested in for more than a week (slight exaggeration. slight.), to take them here. seems like it'd be a very romantic place.

dinner tonight was Trofie al Pesto, which was just some funny-shaped noodles in pesto sauce. it was good. looking around at the tables and the diners, i thought if i had a girl here, the only thing missing would be that song from Lady And The Tramp. you know the one. instead i'm alone and hearing "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)". there was a way to tell that story funnier, but i missed it. oh well.

i realized tonight that i know how to say "thank you" and "you're welcome" in Italian, but i don't know "i'm sorry." i wonder if that fact reveals anything about my character?

man, this travel blog actually has very little travel information in it. if i were you, i'd want my money back.

i bought new sunglasses today. not thrilled with them, but they were the cheapest pair i could find that i didn't absolutely hate. and then my earbuds broke. well, the left side doesn't transmit sound unless you pinch the base of the cord in just the right way. crap.

i bought a new book: Chuck Palahniuk's Snuff. it's short but good so far. donated my last book to a fellow traveller who just finished his. we didn't trade, i'd rather not read The Great Gatsby again.

i'm thinking about going to Prague next, but i'll probably stay another night here, just so i have time to research it. figure out costs, see if i can't crash a couch, look into jobs, that sort of thing. a fellow traveller suggested Southeast Asia because it's apparently stupid cheap, so i'm looking into that as well. i dunno. where do you think i should go? (and yes, i actually expect a response. i know you all have places you think everyone should visit, or that you'd really like to go some time. out with it. if you tell me, i may go, then we'll have loads of stuff to talk about when i get back, and you can visit a foregin country vicarously through me. it'll be great.) so yeah. where should i go next? the polls are open!

1 comment:

  1. Well... there's always South Korea. There are army bases there, so there should be some gigs for American civilians.
