Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hello and welcome, race fans!

how was that? pretty good opener, eh? i thought of it all on my own! *beams with pride*

right. so today i walked along The Ridgeway (google it), from Ogbourne St. George (google it) to Avebury (don't google it, i'll explain in a bit.) took me three hours, call it 9 to 10 miles. beautiful scenery, lots of animal droppings. The Ridgeway, i mean. Avebury is the next paragraph. apparently The Ridgeway is some ancient footpath leading (presumably) to Avebury. what i've heard is that it's not so much a trade route as it is just a path to the stone circle. creepy, ooooooooooooooooh!

Avebury: a tiny village town built around/beside standing stones, much like Stonehenge but smaller and you can touch them. equally mysterious, though. terribly mysterious. and i hear they can cut guns in half! with their mind! ...wait, got distracted there. anyway. i touched many stones, but alas, i didn't develop super powers, nor did i meet any witches, Sorceror's Supreme, ancient forbidden gods, nor (and this is the most disappointing) any Doctors. oh well.

while in Avebury i ate at the only restaurant in town, a pub called The Red Lion. decent place, i suppose. good food, cold beer, it hits all the selling points. i ate some sork sausage thing with mashed potatoes and "root vegetable crisps" in red onion gravy. it was nice. then i walked to the store, bought a take-away sandwich and a bag of crisps. went back to The Red Lion, had a last beer and filled my water bottle (with water, duh) and was on my way.

on the way back to Ogbourne St. George i saw many sheep. some had numbers spray painted on their sides, so i can only assume they're racing sheep. so when next i see Nicola or Chris i'm going to ask when and where the Sheep Races are held, and i'm gonna see if i can't win some money. also: the movies lied to us. i tried the "Bah Ram Ewe" thing from Babe: didn't work. at all. not even a little. i even tried saying to the sheep "Bah Weep Grah Nah Weep Ninnibong", but i guess Big Red gum doesn't work as well as Energon Cubes, for this too was denied. alas and alack.

the trek back took me about 4 hours, the extra hour due to having to walk through Ogbourne St. George (google it again, i know you've forgotten). when i got back to the house where i'm staying, the 8 year old asked me what i'm doing tomorrow. i looked at my feet and said "hopefully, nothing." actually, at this point i sort of hope i never walk again. some aloe for my neck would be nice, though. (send aloe) as for my actual plans for tomorrow: dunno. i think i heard something about church in the morning, but i dunno. and i still have to plan where i'm going next and how i'm getting there. i guess i have a full day of sitting on my arse tomorrow, better get plenty of rest!

i dunno. how'd i do guys? informative and entertaining enough for you? leave your feedback in the comments section!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you didn't meet the Doctor. That is disappointing.
    But the Sheep racing sounds exciting. Hope you find it!
