Monday, July 12, 2010


greetings from airport-esque Munich!

i äm borrowing the hotel's computer so i can't be long. plus the keyboard on this thing is freaking confusing.

my plane out of Amsterdam got delayed due to weather, so i missed my second plane to Genoa. the airline comped me a free hotel room, with dinner and breakfast. i am happy with this beyond all reasonable explanations.

my plane is at 9am tomorrow so i can't stay up late, but this place has a sauna!

from Genoa i'm planning on train-ing to Cinque Terre (google it), where i will spend no more than three days. promise. after that, who knows? maybe home, maybe not. right now that thought excites me, in three days it'll probably terrify me.

as a test, hereäs what happens when i trz to tzpe without looking at the kezs.
the "z" and "y" are switched, the @ is on the Q, the ? is on the number row at the top, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

mental note: i really need to stop putting in my mouth things which are not meant for my mouth. today's item: a 2 Euro coin. i'll add to this list as i go.

oh, food! for lunch i had *shudder* Burger King. it was literally the cheapest meal in the Amsterdam airport. (that place is expensive! €5 for a freakin' sammich!) i prayed for forgiveness from the Travelling Gods, for the crap 'merican meal.

dinner, which i just had, was... pasta with some kind of chicken sauce, grilled bell peppers, potatoes prepared in some way, and i think it was some kind of gumbo but i'm not sure. related note: i still don't like potato salad, even in Germany.

more people are being bussed in by the minute. i'm expecting that little girl who glared at me in the airport any minute now.

so, the moral of the story: fly Lufthansia if you're flexible on dates and like free hotels. don't fly them if you need to be somewhere at a specific time. but whatever happens, enjoy!

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