Friday, July 9, 2010

Laundry Day 3: Dream Warriors

next time i go travelling, i'm gonna learn or write a bunch of songs on guitar so i can keep up with the stoned hippies.

hello all! today is laundry day, so it's sort of like my day off. which is nice. i'm doing nothing but this, seeing nothing interesting, not getting pelted by rocks or roses thrown by locals, just a lazy day.

Wednesday: did nothing interesting, really. wandered around the city, saw a park. there is nothing free in this city except oxygen and heat. so i got a lot of both.

Thursday: saw Anne Frank's house. worry not: my cold, dead heart felt nothing, admitted nothing. but i did have a bit of something in my eye towards the end. they don't allow cameras in AnneFrankHuis, so there are no photos. i actually skipped out of the tour after Anne Frank died. everything after that was sentimental crap about how parent's rarely know their children's true feelings and thoughts, and how through awareness we can prevent Nazis from returning without becoming Nazis ourselves, and won't you please give generously to the Anne Frank Foundation? and then there's the gift shop. bleh.

Thursday night: went to a coffeeshop that's apparently sort of famous, i guess. i had a hot chocolate and a bag of chips. talked for a little bit to some Spaniards, but they had the worst english of anyone i've met here so far, and that was boring. met some British girls and was unable to get a word in edgewise for a while. then i wandered the Red Light District. i availed myself of no one's services. but it was an interesting sight. i was actually looking for some place called The Grasshopper, but i didn't find it until after i'd given up looking. i bought some generic but sufficiently spicy pseudo-chinese food and was looking for my bus-stop when i happened upon it. may go back tonight, but more likely it'll be tomorrow.

i then walked into a circle of hippies/gypsies/homeless kids/travellers/whatever, sitting around smoking and playing guitars. so i sat and sang a bit and played Karma Police and that was okay. it was 2am when i got to Centraal Station (not a typo) for my bus, so it was 3am by the time i got to my hostel. i missed breakfast this morning, so the leftover chinese-ish food in my bag is totally calling my name.

i think that's mostly it, really. running out of money (send money). job-hunting time or tuck-tail-and-return-to-the-US time coming soon. it's too early to come back, so i'm gonna push my luck a bit, i think. (send luck) oh, if anybody has any friends or family in Europe who might be able to help me out, don't hesitate to let me know!

alright, i'm gonna sit under this desk and eat and cry for a bit. have a good day, thanks for stopping by!

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